>>13665885Yes and no. The FCC usually checks based on complaints, then sends a van out. If that van detects radio transmissions that cause interference during broadcast on nearby frequencies, it won't be FCC certified equipment. If that happens, they'll track the source, and if not mobile (broadcasting from an office or home) they will pull the FCC license (if there is one) and send an agent.
That agent will either fine you/charge you criminally if using unauthorized equipment and/or are unlicensed, or give you a written warning if the equipment is certified (and you're licensed to broadcast with it) but unknowingly malfunctioning. In the latter case, you'll be banned from broadcasting until the equipment is fixed or replaced. Subsequent complaints will lead to hefty fines.
Fines are no joke either. Unlicensed, you can be charged $20,000 per broadcast that was done unlicensed.