What the fuck do I do if I am forced to take the vaccine?

No.13665616 ViewReplyOriginalReport
These fuckers from my University (I am from eastern europe) literally announce at the last moment that in order to have access to student dorms you HAVE to be vaccinated. What the fuck do I do? It's too far away for me to transit and I can't get an apartment because NO money. Should I get the JnJ vaccine because it's only one dose? I don't trust mRNA bullshit because of fuckery with crossing the blood-brain barrier and the risk of auto-immune diseases. At least with JnJ I gamble my body for the risk of GBS and Blood Clotting (although GBS is more common with men ages 50 and over and the Blood Clotting is more seen in women). Uni starts in like 10 days. Fuck this pandemic and fuck this clown world.