>>13666849i’m confirming that like most presidents he doesn’t make a lot of direct decisions. i’m going to assume you are very young and only remember the trump presidency.
Biden’s administration certainly seems to have less political leadership and personal ambition than most, but following the direction or lobbyists, particularly those aligned with your party, isn’t unusual. What is unusual is how few statements biden himself makes, and the administration writ large. I think he and pete not really being aware of tesla not being at the event was honest. I’d be willing to bet 90% of it was decided by a few “industry leaders” in a room and pete, who has almost no political experience and even less savvy, just said “well everything looks in order.” the union thing may have played a part, but it’s not like ford or GM wanted him there either.
I’d bet the majority of the decision to reshuffle the deck came from within nasa, from nelson, and from certain industry leaders. if anyone is trying to directly sabotage spacex, it’s lockheed, boeing, ULA etc, just like it’s GM, Ford etc trying to sabotage Tesla. and because they’re “heritage american industry” with a lot of money and a lot of jobs, they get to throw their weight around - especially against a somewhat directionless whitehouse