Scientifically, why is mass spike proteins in our critical organs beneficial for our health?

No.13664815 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A rough calculation, based on the particle size and the density of the lipid, adjusted for random sphere packing, gives approximately 37 billion lipid nanoparticles in the standard 30?g Pfizer dose.
Assuming 100% transfection, the 0.02% dose (at 2h) detected in the brain represents 7.4 million lipid nanoparticles; the amount of cells lost equivalent to 3.9 minutes of ischemic stroke, not including further injury via inflammation/swelling.
Even if the injury is somewhat trivial (assuming the appropriate studies are ever conducted), the potential for seeding autoimmunity remains.
The real takeaway is that there really shouldn't be any vaccine inside the brain.