>>13665923>half of all European Jews very quite obviously look LevantineWhat does Levantine even mean though? Levant is mixed with Romans, Greeks and Franks too. Also mixed with tartars, mongols, various Turks etc.
Yet these mixed Levantine ethnicities are actually very distinguishable from the relatively recent Arab majorities.
>I have Jewish friends and they're olive skinned while 100% Ashkenazi.Olive skin is again not relevant, meds are "white europeans" and have olive skin. This could even come from the Roman occupation already.
The point is that Askhenazis look nothing like Arabs, Sephardis or any other Semitic group. Even the Askhenazi culture is descended largely from ancient Greco-Iberian cults.
>>13665934Right, but with any admixture your options are either
a) You were cucked.
b) You are not a real Jew.
So explain to me what the point of your elitist/supremacist community is? It exists basically as an artificial nepotism club that hasn't learned the benefits of team work and integration. Straight up freemasonary is a better club too.