>>13662561>science: energy isn't created>also science: everything was created at the big bangThat's a misinterpretation, the BBT doesn't predict energy/matter coming from nothing. It was all there, packaged in a highly dense, highly hot, highly compact state (some believe infinitely dense, infinitely hot, and single-point like)
The Big Bang isn't creation, it's inflation of what was already there. How that was there, and in what state was it in, no one knows.
>>13663277>No they don't. They claim they can see all the way back to the big bang. Not what caused the big bang, and not what came before it.Small correction: we claim to see all the way back to when the universe first became transparent to electromagnetic radiation, which was at about 300,000 years old
We can theorize what happened before with math, and by trying to recreate nergetic interactions in particle accelerators, which becomes more difficult and uncertain as we approach the Planck epoch, where our understanding of physics completely breaks down (that's to say, we don't really know shit about that)
To everyone else:
No one seriously into science seriously claims they are 100% certain how this shit went down. The BBT is just the current favored theory based on empirical observation, calculations, and our current understanding of physics, and everyone knows it could be refined or completely replaced as those factors improve.
If anyone has any better theory with some real punch behind it, the physicists of the world are all years. Go get published. Make money, win a Nobel.