Newton renamed Iohn the Baptist and Iesus Christ, here's why

No.13662050 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sir Isaac Newton in his "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel
and the Apocalypse of St. John" re-named Two (2) Ol' Metrologists.

IOHN: "seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns"

seven heads (.0000000), six-one-six (.616), ten horns (x 10),
and seven crowns (^-7), and Metrologist (cm^3/g-s^2) tale.

gravitation G, the Letter of God, the mark.
gravitation John, the Word of God, the name.
gravitation G on!, the Sentence of God, the image.
gravitation .616 x 10^-7, the Wisdom of God, the number.

G = .616 x 10^-7 cm^3/g-s^2
World 1st G measurement.
Definitions original "cgs"

IESUS: "seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns"

seven heads (.0000000), six-six-six (666.), ten horns (x 10),
and ten crowns (^-10), and Metrologist (cm^3/g-s^2) tale.

gravitation G, the Letter of God, the mark.
gravitation Jesus, the Word of God, the name.
gravitation G's us!, the Sentence of God, the image.
gravitation 666. x 10^-10, the Wisdom of God, the number.

G = 666. x 10^-10 cm^3/g-s^2
World 2nd G measurement.
Definitions original "cgs"

G = 2/c, c = 2/G, 2 = G*c (natural units)

IOHN John and IESUS Jesus
just Two (2) Ol' Metrologists