Cognitive enhancement

No.13662043 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What it says on the label.
Why isn't cognitive enhancement science pursued more aggressively? Logically its the best way to produce exponential returns? Improving our intelligence would improve the quality of all research. I'm not saying that it's necessary, not yet. There is however a limit for how far we can advance our understanding using only our natural brains. A dog can be the world's smartest dog but it will never understand calculus. At some point our monkey brains will reach their limit. Doesn't matter if it's an IQ 80 human or an IQ 200 human - there will be things we can't understand.

So, thread about cognitive enhancement science. The shitty stockphoto implies nootropics but that subject is discussed all the time on /sci by brainlets that want a magic pill. I'm more interested in therapy, surgery, training, meditation, gene manipulation, electric stimulation etc etc..