>>13661491Interesting... The more detailed a pictzre i try to imagine, the smaller the focus gets.
I imagine an apple on a tbale with some cloth behind it. The apple has a few colours, the table has cracks, and the drape has waves and shadows.
But if i try to imagine the texture of the apple, the top of the stem, the lines of brown and green on the stem, the little brownish spots on the skin of the apple, the bacground becomes kinf of low resolution. If i focus on the bacground, the splinters, the shapes of the cracks, the little fibers of teh drape, its movement... the apple almost disaperas.
And if i focus on trying to make it as visual as possible my brain does the opposite, and i can feel the wood and the smell and tase ot apple and soft drape the sound of cloth in hand... and if i start thinking about that, it becomes more visual...
My brain is kind of a dick though. I can't imagine an open pocket knife. If i do, it closes. If i imagine myself holding an open pocket knife, it closes on my fingers and i start to bleed. I can will it to stay open, but i must fight it all the time.
Imagination is a weird thing.