>>13660553>Why the fuck does this get mathematicians' panties wet?It doesn't get mathematicians' panties wet. It MOSTLY gets the panties wet of people who think they're mathematicians, rather, are internet mathematicians. The people who get this equation tattoed on their arm display to the world at what point they stopped learning math. The reason this equation/problem is so popular is that the gist and concept of it is relatively easy for the layman to understand in an hour or less explanation to someone who knows just a little bit of math. The accessibility, not intricacy of this equation has made it popular. Same goes for the e^pi*i and so on. Things like the Hodge Isomorphism theorem or the Hodge theorem on cohomology classes are very interesting, sophisticated, and lovely results with cool proofs that use all sorts of mathematics. But they're not accessible to someone who just knows about primes and calculus. Such is the nature things.