>>13656000Mental disorders are arbitrary constructs
>but muh brainscansI love me some non-replicable pharma funded studies too.
>SchizophreniaStrictly speaking. Every perception, everything you see, hear and feel is an hallucination. Therefore, the diagnosis is not given because someone hallucinates but because the thing that is being hallucinated and communicated as such by the person is seen as an inacceptable manifestation of the process itself. The arbitrator on schizophrenia can only rest on ad hoc statements. Strictly speaking, statements that cannot be proven as correct or false.
>autism (and by extension ADHD)a vastly inflated diagnosis that is poorly defined and given to children simply because of a therapeutic/school system gone wrong that now uses the bodies of children as tools to generate money.
ADHD medication generates more than 20 billion in revenue each year in the US alone.
The market on autism treatments is expected to make 5 billion revenue this year.
>borderlineA moody and emotionally dependent woman. Like no woman ever seen before.
>bipolar disorderSimilarly to schizophrenia except with moods in lieu of perceptions.
>alzheimer/dementiaLargely the result of natural neurological changes which causes nerves and synapses to process information more slowly. Until fairly recently seen as a normal part of aging except in its most extreme form where it requires substantial support. Now used to drug up elderlies in care centers.