>>13654378Damage caused by vaccines occur in two ways:
1) Individual level
2) Population level
1) Spike protein is biologically active in your body, and the mRNA travels to most of your organs. Each person has a different uptake; so each person produces a different amount of spike. Based on this, it’s a roll the dice moment. If you produce too much, expect strokes, heart inflammation, paralysis, neurological disorders..
2) Herd immunity is easily understood when viewing a pandemic play out naturally (1918 flu for example). The lockdown measures only created more infectious pressure. When vaccines came out, there were already variants.. The vaccine Antibodies cannot completely neutralize spikes on the variants, thus, suboptimal immune defense leads to more infectious pressure (think antibiotics). Now, vaccinees are at risk, since variants are getting better at evading spike antibodies, AND that since the spike antibodies have higher affinity to spike protein than natural antibodies (innate immune system), the vaccine antibodies in this situation are effectively suppressing / bypassing the innate immune systems of those who took the vaccine..
Conclusion: If you roll the dice and the vaccine doesn’t kill you (most deaths occur in 2 days to a week), then the suppression of your innate immune system (natural antibodies / killer cells) will make you MUCH more susceptible to the variants, which by the way will only get worse (complete resistance to vaccine immunity).
Sources for 1) have been all over this board, and source for 2) is explained very well by Geert: