What's your vision of the future?

No.13651183 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I see a secular authoritarianism making a resurgance with religous, moralistic ferver (though it will be lacking in true morality or spirituality)

It will be Puritan-Zionist in nature (basiclally American culture) but largely paleoconservaitve. Tech survialance will increase to science fiction tier levels (blood drawn at birth and put into a file with your name on it that will be the ID that will allow for you to live)

People will be allowed to opt out of the system at large and live on what will essentially be reservations similar to what Native Americans have. Life will be difficult on these "autonomous zones" and will still be restricted by the government, who'll constantly try to undermine these breakaway groups for their land and capital

Recolonization will happen and a world government will be instated. english will slowly begin to replace native languages in all but a few spots on the planet. It will become the universal tongue of the educated and many people will go their whole lives barely touching their native tongue

Wealth will all but dissapear. Your money won't really be yours. It will basically be a loan given out by the world government that you get to keep with good behavior. Your assets will likely be taken after you die. This will grately change the way people determine their values.

More emphasis will be put on developing a skillset and education than even now because of how increasingly complicated and information driven the world will become

escapism will become such a serious problem that there will be laws against exposing minors to vidya, the web etc. until a certain again to avoid them becoming addicts

This is just off the top of my head. What do you think the world will look like in the far future?