
No.13649518 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there more to time than is commonly understood?

I know it's not the most scientific measurement, but my personal experiences make me feel like time is not totally linear and events are more than probability distributions. 'Right' and 'wrong' feel like more than cultural and genetic programming within probability distributions.
>I'm not a superstitious or religious person. I can only offer my personal experiences and any skeptic will be able to explain away my experiences.
The experiences tend to be around what I'm 'supposed to be doing' and it feels like there's a hidden hand arranging circumstances.
There was a girl that seemed like I was meant to be with at a place I used to work. I didn't pursue her and I never went out socially. I never socialized with anyone. A co-worker I didn't like at a new job asked me to come to a bar and she was there. I ended up sitting across from her at booth.
I know it doesn't sound like a big coincidence, but I never went out. You might say like people associate with like people, but this guy was an idiot and I wasn't like him and didn't like him. Anyways, we ended up at her place and she told me about the battery cover to her phone not being right. I had that same model and a few weeks later I got it replaced under warranty and the box had an extra, different colored battery cover to my phone. The color of her phone. It didn't make sense that they would include this in my box. It was like someone running the simulation wanted me to contact her about this.
Another girl I've been passing every other day on the way to the gym seems like someone I might be fated to connect with. It's a really drab place I live and I never see a woman here. It's old people and immigrants in suburbia. I still rarely go out and my friend was at a bar about 20 miles away. This dog walking girl was at the bar.
