>>13649993>>13650103look, i just flipped through it and i will read more about it.
but i want to say something, first of all, all the mRNA related experiments in 2007-2009 are not conducted as a vaccine format, second it was on cancer patients, third it was very small amount of participants i'm talking about about 20-30, forth from this short conversation i realize that you are not knowledgeable about medicine physiology and biology, i bet my life you do not understand one medical concept from what is listed there, and i doubt you've read any research in your life, basically you have no idea what you are talking about, but you are confidently claim something that is not true here
>>13648477listen pal, you are an inferior subhuman piece of shit shill, and you and you're friends need to get the fuck out of here, this is not tumblr not twitter facebook or reddit this is fucking 4chan you miserable piece of shit, we are not that stupid. so tell you're shill friends that you are not welcome here, so please please please please dont ever post here again