used to listen to nirvana non stop for 4 years as teenager, then to metal, then to ugly underground raw black metal, while shifting through the most obscure genres, till ordinary rock music became boring(except grausamkeit. insane guy, just pure rush and euphoria, i listen to him to this day one day somehow found myself extremely liking moonlight sonata 3rd movement, which led me to discover more pieces. Bach changed everything, i started to unironically enjoy operas and vocal pieces. his cantatas are the best.
this music - intelligence correlation is very interesting, but its more about being open and empathic as well as to what youre exposed to when growing up as well as the dogma and associations with it (like a normal girl wont allow herself to enjoy some hardcore song, even if its good, she will have this mental block in her head, she will associate it with ugly and negative things, with skinheads for example, this perception she acquired from media and her surroundings). music is universal and a good song would be enjoyed by most of the people if they truly allowed themselves to enjoy it and were exposed to it for a required time(ever notice how you start liking a song when you listen to it for multiple times?). but now, that i think of classical music, its a bit different from ordinary modern music. its not just emotions, theres something more divine, you need to have some sense of appreciation for general beauty and the world. anyways that's just how i think it is