NCoV19 vs Vaccine vs Society

No.13644367 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Getting hit by societal banhammer feels bad man. Currently assessing - in my country you have to be 1.) vaccinated 2.) recovered from COVID 3.) be tested on regular basis via PCR 4.) opting out of society
With vaccines being the shadiest, most politicised pharma I've ever seen in my life I'm not fond of them.
Rumours are that unvaccinated people will soon have to pay for their tests which, by current price, is around 800€ per month -
for comparison: Rent is around 400-600€ for shared living, general wage is around 1500 to 2000€ for normie-jobs.
Opting out of society seems as a bad idea in regards to the ongoing "persecution" of unvaxxed.
Thus, I'm playing with the thought of just contracting COVID somewhere.
> How can I approximate the probability of this being the optimal solution?