>>13643447IQ only measure the ability to learn. The US army has a IQ limit of 83. Anything below is considered untrainable. You are according to that rule still able to train yourself to do something.
You're more than this measurement. And remember that most people here lie. Most people who brag about their IQ here, probably have lower. People who need to rely on IQ as evidence of their intelligence and where it isn't apparent otherwise they don't have much. Many high IQ people are useless dredges of society and the world might even be better off if they died because they are just a drain on everyone and never contribute anything.
That isn't necessarily true for you. Keep your dreams and strive for them. If you can't do it, then find something else. But a test that shows how good you are at solving a certain type of puzzle is not a indicator of is you can achieve your dream or not.
Although realising our dreams never will happen happens to most of us as we age.