Management wants to increase sales so they look for a gimmick, they hit upon "Pizza in 30 minutes or less otherwise it's free". Right? This should Sell more pizza.
At this point I'd like to remind you a virus's objective is "infect (more) people" - i'll return to this later.
It on paper all looked fine, they could make the pizzas quickly and most places are under 30 minutes from the store, especially if they stagger routes. Now the important part is to incentivize the drivers to actually make the deliveries in under 30 minutes, they were penalized or it came out of their pay if they were late.
Well that's where the trouble started. Actually it's pretty hard to take an order for a pizza, make it, cook it, and put it in a car which has to make other deliveries as well all in under 30 minutes. So you had drivers speeding to avoid being docked the pizza, and getting into crashes because they were obviously speeding and making rash decisions.
I was thinking - the delivery driver getting into a car crash is kinda like the virus killing it's host. If it works, okay great - sale made. But if it doesn't, if the driver crashes or the virus kills it's host... well you know.
Of course since a virus infects others it doesn't need all of it's hosts to survive as long as it propagates, I mean theoretically the pizza company can still keep running as long as a critical mass of delivery drivers make the deliveries, right?