>>13644610Actually, they also can put pressure on a virus. When an asymptotic (strong innate immune system) unvaccinated person contracts the virus, and beats it, their body starts producing weak antibodies against the virus. IF they get reinfected within a month or so of their last encounter, those weak antibodies create a suboptimal situation which allows the virus to mutate. This is due to the suppression of the innate immune system (this is only a temporary phenomena and this whole explanation only occurs within a very small window of time).
This is why there were variants before vaccinations began, HOWEVER, this is exactly how a natural pandemic plays out, until herd immunity is reached.
Adding vaccines to the mix, have effectively beefed up these variants, and are allowing those variants to become the dominant strain. Since the vaccine antibodies have very high affinity to spike protein on the virus, even if they can’t neutralize the variants slightly modified spike proteins, they will still bypass the natural antibodies of the innate immune system.
Conclusion: Vacinnees are contributing much more severely to the creation of anti spike antibody variants. Once we reach full resistant to vaccine antibodies, it will be a blood bath. By the end of the winter it should be clear this is the case, with a tsunami of cases and deaths.
I will NEVER get the shot.