>>13639324>>13639326So in the scheme of things, had the global pharmaceutical community taken their time studying the long term effects of covid while delaying the vaccine for maybe 2 years or so, while expecting everyone else to rely on their own natural immunity, that would have been the better take?
And because nobody has taken the vaccine this entire time, the number of mutations that have taken place are exponentially higher than what we have right now.
Virus attaches to specific protein on cell, virus enters cell, enters it's own genetic code into the cell, cell replicates virus until it dies.
If a substitution, deletion, insertion, frame shift, etc. occurs during this replication phase over some 3 billion people infected globally over a period of 2 years, then the number of variants go up and by then, according to you, developing a vaccine would not be worth it in the long run.
Am I getting this right or am I missing something here?