>>13636787It is. Must make the birth easier too but good luck getting your girlfriend to lift or eat right while pregnant. My gym buddy gf who really had her shit together packed it all in before the second trimester and eats like shit and refuses to do anything more than walks even though we know it's going to be a boy and needs turbocharged.
The other side of the coin is women who overdo it. I accidentally punched a pregnant woman in the throat who I had refused to spar repeatedly in a martial arts class once. She must have been second trimester too but she was insistent and i was young and too dumb not to be polite. She ducked into what would have been pulled jab and hit the deck wheezing thought I'd killed them both. Dumb fucking bitch. Fortunately an instructor had heard the initial exchange so her fault was recognised. Funny thing is every woman who I know lifted right through pregnancy had daughters.