>>13630382>>13630512There is no "official explanation" because there is no "why", it's just logic
You are thinking of the expansion of space as movement through space, like the farthest galaxies are moving away from the Earth faster then the nearest galaxies, but it is not so
What Hubble's constant measures is the expansion of the intervening space, which is constant at all points. Thus, it is a comoving distance between each point of the universe and every other point.
Let's say in a given frame of time, the space between me and an object at a distance of 2 increases to 3.
If that object was at a distance of 4, since for every interval of distance 2 the distance increases by +1, in the same time frame, the distance between me and it increases by 6, total
Now, if I have 2 objects, at a distance of 2 (object A) and 4 (object B), in a straight line away from me, in that time frame the two objects' distance is now 3 and 6 from me - but the distance between them has increased to only 3, from the starting 2 - same as the distance from me and object A. What happened there? I thought object B was supposed to get away faster! From the point of view of object A, both myself and object B's "speed" is the same. From my PoV, and from object B's PoV, the speed was respectively greater from the farthest point than from object A
Thus, you can't derive that Hubble's constant proves that we are at the center of the universe, or that it is expanding away from us slower than it is expanding in our local space