This sentence is false" isn't that hard to unpack.
Imagine "this sentence is true". We can evaluate this as a prescription which would mean "this sentence is true" is set equal to "true" or we could try to evaluate it on the basis of it making a statement that COULD be false. You can't do the second evaluation because there's nothing to process about the statement because truth has no properties besides truth so you can't falsify it on the basis of not having the same properties as "truth"" and you can't do the first because 2+2 = 4 has the property "true" but doesn't have the property "this sentence is true" but two plus two equals four does have the property "true" and "this sentence is true".
"This sentence is true" is a property sentences can have just like "true" is a property some objects can have. You can't evaluate "true" just by itself and neither can you "this sentence is true".
Imagine i say "this sentence is an apple" can i pick this object from an apple tree?does this object have a form that can be eaten? The answer is no. "This sentence is an apple" is therefore false but that's because we can compare the properties of Apple's to to the statement. you can't process "this sentence is false" in the same way
Its like saying "word","red" "apple","goat","demon". Theses words by themselves can't be "true" or "false" they are null objects just like true and false.
"True" and "false" only have themselves as their property and similarly "this sentence is true/false" only have themselves as their property.
The sentence "Green is a color" has the property "true" AND "this sentence is true" but "true" and "this sentence is true" are not the same object
An object can have the property "red" and "this "object" is red" but neither of these have the property "true" or "false". They are true or false on the basis of how they relate to the object but not by themselves.
Imagine "this sentence is true". We can evaluate this as a prescription which would mean "this sentence is true" is set equal to "true" or we could try to evaluate it on the basis of it making a statement that COULD be false. You can't do the second evaluation because there's nothing to process about the statement because truth has no properties besides truth so you can't falsify it on the basis of not having the same properties as "truth"" and you can't do the first because 2+2 = 4 has the property "true" but doesn't have the property "this sentence is true" but two plus two equals four does have the property "true" and "this sentence is true".
"This sentence is true" is a property sentences can have just like "true" is a property some objects can have. You can't evaluate "true" just by itself and neither can you "this sentence is true".
Imagine i say "this sentence is an apple" can i pick this object from an apple tree?does this object have a form that can be eaten? The answer is no. "This sentence is an apple" is therefore false but that's because we can compare the properties of Apple's to to the statement. you can't process "this sentence is false" in the same way
Its like saying "word","red" "apple","goat","demon". Theses words by themselves can't be "true" or "false" they are null objects just like true and false.
"True" and "false" only have themselves as their property and similarly "this sentence is true/false" only have themselves as their property.
The sentence "Green is a color" has the property "true" AND "this sentence is true" but "true" and "this sentence is true" are not the same object
An object can have the property "red" and "this "object" is red" but neither of these have the property "true" or "false". They are true or false on the basis of how they relate to the object but not by themselves.