Am I expected to believe this shit? Physishits argue that hot air is less dense than cold air and hence cold air sinks below hot air. But let's review the facts, shall we?
>Density is count/volume
>Thermodynamically particles expand in size when their temperature increases
>Quantum mechanically, these particles occupy more states
>The increased number of states an object occupies is far greater than the minuscule increase in volume thermodynamically
>Hot objects therefore have higher density than cold objects
Physishits once again BTFOd. For fucks sake I'm not even a physicist, just a mathematician. Perhaps Hilbert was right: the math is too complicated for these shitwits and we mathematicians need to step in.
>Density is count/volume
>Thermodynamically particles expand in size when their temperature increases
>Quantum mechanically, these particles occupy more states
>The increased number of states an object occupies is far greater than the minuscule increase in volume thermodynamically
>Hot objects therefore have higher density than cold objects
Physishits once again BTFOd. For fucks sake I'm not even a physicist, just a mathematician. Perhaps Hilbert was right: the math is too complicated for these shitwits and we mathematicians need to step in.