260KiB, 1300x850, 11-septiembre-atentado-torres-gemelas-estados-unidos-terrorismo.jpg
My electrodynamics teacher just told us that the US caused 9-11 and showed us a scientific paper published that proves that the towers were demolished with explosives because Afghanistan was ruled by a post-Soviet regime (he showed us pictures of girls in mini skirt from Kabul in 1972 and told us it was almost democratic and gave women higher education) but they blamed the 9-11 on Osama Bin Laden because they had trained him to fight the Soviet Union, and showed us a quote from Putin saying that you should not intervene in another countries, and told us that many newspapers blame Russia from the electricity being more expensive in our country.
Scientifically speaking, can it be proven if the towers fell because of a plane or an explosion?
Scientifically speaking, can it be proven if the towers fell because of a plane or an explosion?