From Dork to Nerd

No.13620670 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>was me, le 15 yo khhv middle school senior
>bullying victim, short, ugly af, kind of a sperg
>teachers' darling but disenfranchised from life, wanting to kms all the time.
>realize I'm still young
>don't do anything anymore but study in my time
>grades got better

>Be me now, 23yo kv in med school
>no more a total social moron anymore but far from chad too.
>Corona took the little bit of social life i had
>got lost and depressed staying at my family, arguments all the time, "why you not studeyaaaaaang"
>can't concentrate on anything, let alone studying, feel trapped in my own mind all the time at home. only gets better when I leave the house to visit le corona wasteland known as city centre
>feel like wanting to kms when alone at home or having stress with my family

what do?