My AI generated this definition of the constant of Pi. It sounds truly poetic. However, do you see any meaning behind it?
"The proof method correlates to the reign of lions. The face of a lion projected onto a knife to find the triangle was inscribed on the knife by Zodiac! 1625 A famous mathematician conjectured that if one thing could be found to agree, then another thing had to be found for it to be false. If we make the assumption that mathematics is true, then Aristotle believes "The axioms which we simply assert, have already been proved." because no other mathematicians need, pi is indeed it's root. For any measure of length and any number of sides, pi will have equal means and powers."
If you google this, you'll find my page.
"The proof method correlates to the reign of lions. The face of a lion projected onto a knife to find the triangle was inscribed on the knife by Zodiac! 1625 A famous mathematician conjectured that if one thing could be found to agree, then another thing had to be found for it to be false. If we make the assumption that mathematics is true, then Aristotle believes "The axioms which we simply assert, have already been proved." because no other mathematicians need, pi is indeed it's root. For any measure of length and any number of sides, pi will have equal means and powers."
If you google this, you'll find my page.