Black/white holes

No.13619625 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok before you call me retarded, read the whole thing first, then you can tell me why i’m retarded. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on black holes recently and one of the interesting things I found was that black holes weren’t actually mass density, they were energy density, mass is just the best source for that. That’s why Krugelblitz black holes work, they’re a place where energy got so dense it got a event horizon. So could you make a black hole primarily out of rotational energy? Like spin a microscopic piece of, idk, neutron Star junk near the speed of light and get enough energy density to make a black hole. Since rotational energy apposes gravitational energy could you theoretically make a event horizon that goes in the opposite direction, where nothing can enter bit everything can leave, a white hole?

This isn’t me thinking that I can rewrite physics, i’m just a Anon on 4chan, just wonder what people smarter than I am have to say.