>>13620931Pedophilia will likely never be accepted amongst the proles because CP is literally the most powerful weapon in the glownigger arsenal right now (ie planting it on the computers of dissidents using point-n-click NSA hacking toolkits). That's not even mentioning the "think of the children" arguments used to pass every single piece of draconian legislation.
Furthermore, the jews have a monopoly on child trafficking AND they have blackmail on nearly every politician because of said monopoly.
What's going to happen is they're going to push for "understanding" so that they can lull pedos out in the open to put them in a psychiatric ward "for their own protection". This will then be used to augment the aforementioned weaponization of CP, allowing them to pick anyone they want to plant CP on their devices and whisk them away to a psychward where you have all the benefits of imprisoning dissidents, but with the added bonus of fewer legal rights + glownigger brainwashing. Sorry, I mean glownigger "psychiatric treatment".
Don't buy into the pedo acceptance slippery slope being pushed among "conservative" circles right now. It's a distraction. The jews will never give up the money and abject power that comes from the current status quo.