20KiB, 916x512, Dont eat gabagool Grandma its nothing but fat & nitrates.jpg
Everyone always talks about how x facetiously named "chemical" is unnatural and inedible and how its "made of" something like cloth or wood blah blah fucking blah its usually if not always bullshit far as I can tell.
But what is/are legitimately the closest thing(s) we have to muh unnatural man-made chemical that we put in U.S. food?
Like "ideally", I'm talking about not only is it unhealthy, but its also objectively or near-objectively gross, inedible, lab-made (GMO doesn't count fuck off), non-organic material (again, I'm not talking about GMOs or the normie hipster definition of 'organic'), empty calorie if it even has calories, has no taste or even lowers the quality of the food, used for an illegitimate reason, not even made for the purpose of consumption, and totally deserves its reputation of being a "chemical".
What comes closest?
But what is/are legitimately the closest thing(s) we have to muh unnatural man-made chemical that we put in U.S. food?
Like "ideally", I'm talking about not only is it unhealthy, but its also objectively or near-objectively gross, inedible, lab-made (GMO doesn't count fuck off), non-organic material (again, I'm not talking about GMOs or the normie hipster definition of 'organic'), empty calorie if it even has calories, has no taste or even lowers the quality of the food, used for an illegitimate reason, not even made for the purpose of consumption, and totally deserves its reputation of being a "chemical".
What comes closest?