Math GRE Subject Test practice/help

No.13612253 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /sci/. I don't usually post on 4chan so please excuse any faux pas, but no other website can come through in a pinch like this one can so I'm asking the anons for help.

I am taking the math GRE subject test in five days. I'll probably be taking the October test too, because I don't expect to do well on this one. I am very bad at calculus. When I started undergrad I already knew what I wanted to specialize in (algebraic topology) so I made a beeline for the upper-division courses and only did the minimum required part of the calc sequence (calc 2 & 3 since I took calc 1 in high school). Also that was all in my freshman year of undergrad (5 years ago) and I've forgotten most of it by now.

I took the GRE subject test once before, in fall 2019, and it fucking obliterated me. 33rd percentile. Garbage. I need to fucking do better this time around cause if I can't get into grad school this year I'll probably have to start looking for other career options.

So here's where I'm at: I have the basics of calc obviously, I can take a derivative or evaluate a basic integral. If there's a trig sub I'm probably screwed, if there's change of coordinates or a contour/path integral I'm probably screwed, if there's a complex integral I'm screwed. Div/grad/curl/vector fields is bad. I get the impression there are basic calc theorems I don't remember (shit like the IVT, except not that one because I remember it). Convergence tests for series and radius of convergence is bad.

Ok, here's the thing. Because my brain doesn't fucking work I'm really bad at the organizational side of studying. But if I have problems in front of me, I can work on them for hours no problem. So the ideal thing I need would be a big ass database of calc problems that I can search by topic/technique and just sit there and practice on like a madman through the rest of the month. Anything like that exist? Anything similar? Any other advice?