>>13616365I ran it again and the error was 'PolynomialDivisionFailed'. All the imports used in the math were from sympy. It was for the control of a plane. Don't know why - the process is creating a matrix A, switching the elements of a row, getting the determinant of the new matrix B, multiplying by a constant factor, and then dividing by the original matrix A determinant and the Laplace S term before doing the inverse transform - untill here it works fine. However, when I tried to dividide by the exponential of an -S Laplace term instead it bricks. The error gives me a 'hint' of using a different simplifcation algorithm at least. Still, the expression runs on Matlab 2018, and I was able to get the same graphs as a book when using the values it gave me.
The imports are:
from sympy import sin, cos, exp, Heaviside, I, re
from sympy.abc import s,t
I'm also representing fractions as value.p/value.q, because otherwise the code won't even finish running.