The only foods we can be pretty much 100.0% sure aren't sentient are milk and unfertilized eggs. I personally believe milk and eggs can theoretically be consumed ethically. Imagine eating your pet dog's shit (for some reason): just like it isn't unethical to eat your dog's shit, it isn't unethical to eat your pet chicken's eggs, as long as you treat your pets with love and care, as you would your human family members.
I think the solution to this problem is to not put a silly black-and-white line between animals and non-animals. Ethical vegetarians should really be ethical non-sentientarians. If any object or entity is believed to not be sentient, it should be okay to eat it; if it's believed to possibly be sentient, it shouldn't be okay to eat it.
From everything I understand, I believe plants, fungi, protozoa, archaea, and bacteria likely aren't sentient. But it would be weirdly convenient if those were the only non-sentient lifeforms. The reality is some animals likely also aren't sentient. For example, jellyfish.
If some convincing evidence ever comes out suggesting some or all plants are sentient, I'll stop eating/killing them and find something else instead.
t. ethical vegan/vegetarian
>>13611528>There's a simple test really because consciousness collapses the wave function we just need to introduce the plant to a quantum system and see if it remains in a superposition or not.Complete bullshit. That's very, very likely not how quantum mechanics works.
>>13611654>Until people become self-sustaining per se, the next step beyond veganYes, this is the safest, best long-term option. It's inevitable. It'll eventually be cheaper, healthier, tastier, and more ethical to produce food ourselves from a source which was almost certainly never sentient.
>>13611639>>13611688>>13611707Good posts.