>>13610890Anon, you FUCKING love SCIENCE, don't you?
A black hole limitlessly absorb stuff around it according to its mass, the same way anything else does
If we ever created, say, a 1 kg mass black hole... It would be as dangerous to life on Earth as a 1 kg mass stone
(Unless the Hawking radiation hypothesis is correct, in which case it would instantly evaporate with an explosion of gamma rays as energetic as a hundred Suns)
Also, nothing says it is an infinitely dense point, we don't really know, see
>>13610974 >>13610399>>13610978Well anon, we have observed an object that is a sphere of blackness, surrounded by gravitationally-lensed light from the accretion disc around it, with an estimated mass of 6.5 billion Suns
I didn't personally go there to poke it with a stick, but it matches pretty fucking closely what we expect to observe from a black hole
I'm eager for you to offer an alternate hypothesis