>>13609381The solution to the lockdowns and restrictions is simply to stop doing them. They are a product of human will, not a direct result of the virus. I would've preferred if it were just allowed to run its course with no intervention and kill the frailest, fattest and oldest 2% of the population. I'm not in any high risk group so I don't give a shit. And you know what, even if I were an obese and aids-ridden grandpa, I still can't even imagine endorsing a policy that would have healthy young people who are virtually immune to any negative effects from the virus be locked up in their homes, forced to wear masks, eat outside in the winter, and other ridiculous nonsense, all on my behalf. I would just keep MYSELF home and not force my behavior on others. It would be objectively better to simply lock down the obese and elderly if we had to do anything, but we don't.
Furthermore, the vaccine doesn't reduce transmission rates, it only decreases your chances of personally experiencing serious symptoms of the virus. So if you're in a cohort which statistically is more likely to die from the vaccine than the virus (as I am, 26 and healthy male with no conditions) there's literally no reason to take it. The only reason they don't discriminate in the official communication is so they don't make the fat and aids-ridden feel bad about themselves.