Is getting boosters of original covid-19 vaccine effective against new variants?

No.13606998 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Each year, I get a flu vaccine for what ever strain of flu is circulating that yr.
It's tweaked.
Now, let Pfizer, et al, modify the covid-19 vaccine, so that the spikes of the vaccine are for the current dominant variant.
Then 1 year later, put out another new "tweaked" covid vaccine.
Using last yrs now somewhat ineffective covid vaccine for This new Delta variant seems like a Big pharma cash grab.

Or is a 3rd vaccination of the original Covid vaccine helpful, especially to seniors, as their immune system may not have responded as strongly to the original as younger adults?

So, are we younger adults ok with the 2 jabs, and we just should wait until the tweaked covid vaccine comes out in 2022?