>>13606541Three types of souls
Earthbound - a soul that is created primarily to incarnate on earth but you can have some lifetimes elsewhere.
Interplanetary - a soul that was designed to incarnate somewhere other than earth, you have a different homebase, could be a planet could be a star system, could be a non-dense location like inter dimensional space.
Angelic realm - souls that aren't earthbound or interplanetary they are an energetic group of souls that serve the divine, god, source, force, whatever. They are pure, caring love and compassion.
You pick everything skin color, birthday, family an make a soul plan before being born an you have free will when u enter the body and going against your soul plan is what creates karma, souls take time once they die to reflect, digest an heal from their most recent life which can take hundreds of earth years.
The more evolved your soul is the quicker you reincarnate because theres so many problems on earth those souls come back quickly to continue aiding the evolution of humans. We have a higher self at all times, we have to lower our vibration Very Low to take a human body or it would blow the circuitry of our body