Bose Einstein Condensates?

No.13604691 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One characteristic of a BEC is that very small phenomena can be "magnified", due to it being such a low energy system that events occuring at the quantum level can be made apparent macroscopicly. We have created BECs on the order of perhaps 1000 atoms all in a single energy state for a brief period of time.
My question is can we use this property to get a better grasp of the real phyical description of the subatomic/ quantum world?
I have come to understand that Schrodinger was pointing out an absurd thing and that things probably do not exist as smears of probability.
If it would work with a BEC, would it be possible to do it with the much more easily produced superfulid Helium 4? While not being a BEC, it shares many similar characteristics.

I am anon from LQG thread. As I said there, I am a midwit past popsci but unable to read the more advanced Wikipedia tomes, forgive my lay language.