I am getting vaccinated

No.13595554 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I haven't gotten vaccinated this whole time, I am 22 with a healthy bmi and no health issues, but I feel like the anti vaxxer two more weeks narrative is false
There has been over a year for things like ADE to show its head and with multiple variants it has yet to happen. The vaccine remains highly effective in preventing serious illness and boosting your immunity to covid. It also helps prevent long haul covid occurring.
If mareks occurs then that is more of a reason to get vaccinated from a individual perspective, not less.
Fertility for men doesn't appear to be affected at all this whole time.
VAERS reports 500k side effects but only 40-50k are serious, out of 100s of millions vaccinated, and alot of these like mytocarditis resolve itself and are rarer than if you got the virus.
Also the /pol/ schizo shit like hospitals are killing people on purpose, delta is just a cover-up for the vaccines killing people, the ivermectin shilling despite studies debunking it like other miracle cures promoted in the past that were coupled with positive studies being pulled, etc make me think alot of antivaxxers need to take their meds.
I dont even see how one vaccine shot could have these long term hugely negative consequences, nor do the reaserches in the field.
Maybe I'm wrong? I'm scheduled to get J&J tomorrow. It seems like delta is stronger and it is possible to die young and healthy from it. Or, deal with long term consequences from the virus. What are your thoughts? Why should I reconsider and cancel the appointment?