the internet is a generally a great place to search and to work on certain things, but most places on the internet are terrible 'homes'.
even the 'search' thing is getting more difficult.
as a Gen-xer, 'Google' has been my search engine since forever, but while it may be more powerful, it seems less efficient.
If I search a general thing - My results a buried in paywall sites.
Specific things are getting seemingly more scarce.
I can use a location search for a site like Reddit, but then I often find echo-chambers and heavily moderated subreddits (less and less controversial opinions and more and more cultural BS eg 'Waco' 'Siege' = echos and redditorz listing public sources and a bunch of mod-deleted comments).
Some (many? all?) Google searches attempt to heavily steer towards ads and sponsored sites. eg - a specific search about cocaine, and the first seven results are drug treatment rehab centers