>>13593729http://timeblimp.com/?page_id=225 Read that, quit 4chan.
Some general advice:
1. Go to class. Do your homework. Read the text. Ask questions. Most people don't even do the bare minimum.
2. Do a lot of problems. This is no. 1 requirement to do well. For undergrad subjects, there are many great problem and solutions books for each of the subjects. Do all of the problems.
Solving problems in physics courses is really just a matter of applying the correct trick. Keep a record of the tricks in a notebook. Also applicable to math.
3. 99% of EM problems are just figuring out what to integrate and how to integrate it. Easier said than done.
3. STEM people look down on anki. But it works. Even for physics and math. It's easier to solve problems in exam condition if you memorize exactly the formulas, theorems, statements, example problems, hw solutions, tricks, and so on.
4. Anecdotally, students who rewrite notes and homeworks in latex do better than average. Not top performer, but good enough. Makes you popular too, because people will beg for your notes. Over-reliance of other people's latexed notes also make them do worse. Which is great for the curve.
5. Do research internship. Aim for fancy shit like CERN, or SURF.
6. Do an exchange to a better uni to see how physics is done over there. European institutions' curriculum is traditionally more hardcore. Doesn't mean the students are better.
7. Check the local job market. Type in "physics" into monsters or whatever job website you use. Let's be realistic, a 4chan retard like you probably won't stay in academia.
8. Learn to code.
If you want more general study advice, try Cal Newport:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLocr_pp31BZe8aaLp3jCYutVTNNac4-ru He's a sellout nowadays, but he used to give good advice.
There are of course other non-academic/career advice, like don't join male-dominated club to meet girls, or do jelqing. But you can figure them out yourself.