Institute Of Armchair Epidemiology

No.13591983 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Once there was a lowly worker, who scarificed themselves for the greater good (jesus pretty much)

After many comrades fell ill to the china flu, the worker told their boss, who was too scared to come in and only communicated over email and zoom.

the worker begged for masks, the virus was airborne, it was a threat to national security, but the boss replied "BUT u DonT HAVe COMoRBidiTIES, I DonT cARe HOW ManY tIMes u GoT tHe LiL FlU, StOp LIvInG IN Fear. thEres NO EVIdenCe ThAt masks work,

Drip DRop! YOU aRe buT doGs TO ME! now GET BacK To wOrK YOU AnImaL! YOU MUST SACRifICE URSElf to the VIrAL OvErloRd, so thAt i May lOok GoOD ANd GAiN sYMpAThy IN tHE Eyes OF tHe goveRnment tO Get morE FunDing"

"uR nOt A DOctOR, U donT kNOw!"

up to their eyeballs in disinformation, the pleas were ignored, like pharaoh ignoring gods warnings of the coming plagues.

and so the lowly worker went back to school to get their degree in armchair epidemiology