NIST says NORMAL OFFICE FIRES ALONE would have brought down WTC 7 on ANY OTHER DAY

No.13589358 ViewReplyOriginalReport
One of you faggots here on /sci/ told me that this shit came down because it was damaged by WTC collapse, BUT THAT CLAIM IS CONTRADICTED BY THE NIST REPORT:

> "Since fires were observed on the ground surrounding WTC 7, it is possible that potential ignition sources might have entered WTC 7 through openings created in the south and west face of the building during the collapses of the towers. NIST found no evidence to confirm this possibility, but the available data suggest that this was highly likely."
— NCSTAR 1-9, page 194

> "Other than initiating the fires in WTC 7, the damage from the debris from WTC 1 had little effect on initiating the collapse of WTC 7. [...] Even without the structural damage, WTC 7 would have collapsed from fires having the same characteristics as those experienced on September 11, 2001."
— NCSTAR 1A, p. xxxvii

We STILL build buildings like this!!! Why haven't fire-safety regulations been adjusted accordingly!?! THEY HAVEN'T!! WHY!?!?!? This SHIT is terrifying!!!

I mean, how can anybody set foot in a skyscraper today, they are DEATH TRAPS!!! Somebody two stories above you might set a normal office fire, and then thermal expansion could push one column out of it’s seat, and then, like a domino, this column could possibly collapse the next columns, from the inside out, until it reached the outer columns, and THE WHOLE FUCKING STRUCTURE COMES DOWN!!!!!

I refuse to step foot inside another steel-framed office building from HERE ON OUT.