Addendum to 05May2021: Continued Exploration of Glucose Analogs in Cancer Treatment With Addition of Oxygen Phobic Molecule to Increase Saturation of Tumor Tissues Relative to Healthy Tissues
In addition to the long-noted Warburg Effect, perhaps the greatest weakness common to most cancers, tumor tissue’s low oxygen content is perhaps its second most distinguishing characteristic common throughout most cancers. The great difficulty posed by cancer lies in both its genetic similarity to normal tissues and the ways in which each cancer is unique, with those similarities meaning that treatments almost inevitably harm healthy tissue, and the differences meaning that complex chemical/immunological approaches need to be frequently modified. Even with the advent of immunotherapy, treatments that are highly effective for one patient may be completely ineffective for another. There is still a great deal of potential reward in research around a solution like glucose analogs that have the potential to knock out, if not all cancers, then certainly a majority of them with a minimum of side-effects for patients.
In addition to the long-noted Warburg Effect, perhaps the greatest weakness common to most cancers, tumor tissue’s low oxygen content is perhaps its second most distinguishing characteristic common throughout most cancers. The great difficulty posed by cancer lies in both its genetic similarity to normal tissues and the ways in which each cancer is unique, with those similarities meaning that treatments almost inevitably harm healthy tissue, and the differences meaning that complex chemical/immunological approaches need to be frequently modified. Even with the advent of immunotherapy, treatments that are highly effective for one patient may be completely ineffective for another. There is still a great deal of potential reward in research around a solution like glucose analogs that have the potential to knock out, if not all cancers, then certainly a majority of them with a minimum of side-effects for patients.