>>13580772>is it possible people against the vaccines are giving information in bad faith as well?as well you say? i still do not understand why people contradict scientific sources like the CDC, and insist on claiming nonsense like the one that vaccine prevents infection.
>Is there any reasons you can think of that somebody or a group would not want the public to get vaccinated?I do not care if someone chooses to get vaccinated, I just do not find a rational reason to do so beyond risk groups
>Is it possible this is information warfare?no shit, why do you think everything related to the vaccine today is politically charged.
>Will we ever know the truth?arguments of skeptical people like me, are simple
1. I require the vaccine to undergo standard research and follow up for as long as 8-10 years like any other vaccine
2. I demand that any agreement between a manufacturer of vaccines and a state will be open to the public
3. I demand that the media stop pumping lies and present the sources objectively
4. any incitement and coercion of a vaccine is not backed up by scientific grounds, it needed to be stop
>Could cult of personalities be affecting how we perceive and learn information?demagogy, i can claim on people like you the same, and its probably even more true for people like you