There is no neurotypical reason for anyone to study mathematics. There is NO money. There is NO personal gain (even if you prove a grand theorem it wont be in normie news). It is literally against YOUR OWN INTERESTS and it will make YOUR LIFE WORSE if you study mathematics. From a normie Point of View if you study mathematics you're ngmi.
If a normie knew just how much time true mathematicians spend on grinding and grinding and grinding on something that literally yields no personal benefit, that normie would be baffled. They cannot fathom because all they know is "wake up, wageslave at job, get wage, buy new iphone, watch netflix, dream vaguely of becoming rich and successful, sleep, repeat until death".
And so, math is for people who don't give a fuck about worldly pleasures.
This is why I like it. It is entertainment, yet the purest and most exquisite form of which. I do not care for the normie lifestyle. The normie lifetrack is a joke to me lmao. I fucking love mathematics.
t. aspiring mathematician