Astra Zeneca or Pfizer
No.13575922 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>13575925 >>13575977 >>13576792
I'm 29, 179cm weigh 73 kilo's follow a mostly KETO diet meat, cheese, yoghurt (Kefir), occasionally vegetables. What is my best all odds are against me Employer, Family, GF etc if i don't take it im unemployed and in the dumps.
Im risking my health i believe in natural immunity and dying on the hill i make, if for some reason i cant fight off Covid myself.
but i have conceeded and will take the jab in a few weeks, im asking whats the best choice Astra or MRNA tech Pfizer.
Im risking my health i believe in natural immunity and dying on the hill i make, if for some reason i cant fight off Covid myself.
but i have conceeded and will take the jab in a few weeks, im asking whats the best choice Astra or MRNA tech Pfizer.