>>13570233The people doing these "analyses" are the same people who want to sell vaccines, or they're in bed with those people.
There is no fucking credibility. Everything is profit-driven and nobody has any incentive to tell the truth.
Like when the WHO said masks were unnecessary and even dangerous, so they recommended not to wear a mask. That's because we were in the early stages of the pandemic and there were few masks available, so the genius people at the WHO just blurted whatever lies could make people feel safer. if they told them it was better to wear a mask they would have created a panic since there weren't enough masks for everyone. After mask production (yet another business being propped up by this plandemic) shot up, the WHO changed its tone and tell everyone to wear a mask.
These people will tell you anything to pacify you. They just want you to get the vax and shut up, no questions asked. There is a lot of money on the line and anti-vaxxers are hurting their profits.