What exactly will be the market for Starship, besides Starlink?
Rideshare is one of the obvious options, but isn't Starship a bit of overkill here? Even with Falcon, those missions don't happen very often, and they take fuck load of smallsats, as far as I remember, last time they broke the record. So with Starship they could take even more, so missions would be less frequent, maybe once a year. If possible, they could even cannibalize future Falcon missions for earlier launches, and I don't think customers would mind if they got some of their money back.
The second option are deep space missions for NASA, but they are even rarer, maybe once in few years, assuming that lobbyists won't steal those launches.
Third one are dedicated commercial launches, but I think that type of market doesn't exist yet because we haven't had SHLLV since the 70s.
Fourth one, I'm a bit stretching here, building/supplying Lunar colony, if it ever happens. Starship is currently, objectively, the best vehicle for this kind of mission. Nothing besides it can get you so much on the Lunar surface for such a low price, and won't for many years.
Anything else?
These four seem like enough, assuming that price is not higher than Falcon 9 launch, but those are just assumptions, we have to wait for final results.